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I saw this in the /server list yesterday and wondered what it was as well. Attempted to connect to it but it appeared to be offline. Very odd.
over 11 years ago
1. Minecraft In-game Name: GTLtheLoneWolf 2. Age: 16 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern Standard Time 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): Anywhere between 24 to 46, depending on how the week goes. 5. How long have you been in MineTown: Started playing in early August 2012, 1 year veteran as of August 2013. 6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: ronvandorp, thut420, Neil, and parakeek (just to name a few) 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No, I have not, nor do I intend to. 8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes. I do. I was a moderator on a server named WhoCraft (originally Awesomecraft) from MC Beta 1.6.6 to MC 1.0.1, becoming Head Admin a few months before the server's closing in January 2012. As a result, I have experience in some of the plugins that Moderators use, such as Hawkeye, WorldEdit, Petitions, and others. I also used to be a Sergeant in the Prison server. I had to resign in late November due to time constraints. 9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: I've been on Minetown's TeamSpeak on multiple occasions. I haven't recently as there doesn't seem to be many people on, but I still have it installed and in my taskbar if I need it. 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I've been playing on Minetown's servers for a long time now, and I love them, so I've always tried to give back to the community. I, myself, as a player, am almost completely self-sufficient, and as a result constantly overstocked on various items, items which I give away to those who need them at no cost to them. I've also never been one to turn down someone who needs help gathering/obtaining materials (unless it's something outlandish like a stack of diamonds). I would like to take this to the next level, and help my fellow players to the greatest extent of my ability. If accepted, I can promise that I will dedicate myself to being there to help the community. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Being in High School, I will most likely have a wavering in playtime when finals and midterms come around in late March and June, or when a big project is assigned. Regardless, I will still try to make it on at these times. I also have Skype, which I keep signed in on at least one device at any given time, so I can almost always be contacted if I'm needed.
over 11 years ago
Hi everyone, GTL here. Today as I was voting for the server, I noticed that almost, if not all of the sites still had the old '' IP as the server's IP. I've connected to Minetown with this IP ever since I've been here. But after the 1.7 update, it stopped re-routing me to the server and just showed a 'Server refused connection" error. I switched the IP in the server list to and all was well. But the problem is, all of those voting sites that are supposed to be promoting the server are no longer doing so, as they are still giving out the old IP. Even in the server status banners, the IP appears offline, as if it's an entirely different server. I'm not sure if anyone was aware of this, but I just though it would be best to notify. Kindest Regards, GTL
over 11 years ago
\(._.) ( . )\ Fergelicious / .\ \(._.)/ ( . ) Definition / . \ (._.) v( . )v Make them boys go loco / . \ how interesting
over 11 years ago
GTLtheLoneWolf's MTNN Application Name: Colin In-Game Name: GTLtheLoneWolf Age: 15 Experience with YouTube: Been a youtuber since 2009 Are you partnered? If so, what network? (Network partner): No, was offered to at one point, but then my account got hacked, closed, and reopened, at which point I gave up on posting videos. They weren't that good though, very amateur (bear in mind, I was a lot younger and less mature then) What position are you applying for?: I'm applying to be a reporter, my computer wouldn't hold up to recording at high fps/quality, and I do enough writing for school. (Writer and Reporters Only) Is English your primary language?: Yes, it is. And as a side note, I completely volunteer for this position. As anyone who's done business with me before would know, I don't work for monetary rewards, just to help.
over 11 years ago